Tag Archives: metaphysics

The Blessings of Reiki

Pets do more than just love us.

Having been around animals all my life, I can understand why more and more people are becoming pet owners. We love our pets! We spend thousands of dollars on their food, upkeep, toys, health and for some, clothes.

And with good reason. Pets provide a myriad of benefits for us. Probably the most quoted reason that we love them is their unconditional love of us. No matter how grumpy we get or messy we look, our pets still love us. And they are so forgiving if we’re late to feed them or make them wait to go out.

They provide other benefits to us as well. Studies have shown that pets:

  • Will help us uplift our mood. Several studies with men who have AIDS showed they were more apt to become depressed if they didn’t own a pet than those who did.
  • Can keep us calmer. Having a pet helps to control blood pressure better than prescribed drugs
  • Help us to get more exercise: Dog owners walk more than those who don’t have one.
  • Are date and friend magnets: Dogs are particularly good at helping us meet people, especially if the dog is cute.
  • Keep us from feeling lonely. When nursing home residents are visited by dogs they report less feeling of loneliness and seperation.
  • Lower the likelihood of developing allergies. When a child grows up with a pet, they are less likely to develop allergies while developing stronger immune systems.
  • Help manage pain. Loyola University used pet therapy for recovering surgery patients and discovered they may need less pain medication than those without.

With all the wonderful benefits to having a pet, it’s no wonder we love and treat them as members of our families.

Unfortunately though, things can happen. Pets can become ill just like us. When this happens, it often makes us feel particularly helpless. After all, like a baby, the pet cannot verbalize where it hurts or how bad they feel. It’s an awful feeling when you don’t know what to do. Even after going to vet, it can still be so frustrating.

Years ago, we had a cat that had been with us since my daughter was about 2. The cat was one of the most lovable animals I’ve ever had. I always said that she and my daughter grew up together.

One day though, when she was about 10, she was diagnosed with liver cancer. The vet had us take her to a special radiation clinic where she underwent a series of treatments. It was heartbreaking to have to put her through this but there just wasn’t another option short of putting her down.

And she got better. For about a year she was fine and then it came back.

One day, I found her hiding behind the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. By that time, I knew the cancer had returned and we were debating what to do. But here she was, mewing and hiding out and I dearly loved this cat. I had to do something.

So…..I sat down on the floor and pulled her into my lap. I had taken a course in Reiki years before but never used it until that day. I spent about 2 ½ hours in that bathroom with her, running the Reiki energy.

At some point I just had a feeling it was done. There’s no other way to describe it….I knew it was done.

As the days went by, she began to have more energy. She began eating again and even playing with her sister. After about a month, there were no signs of anything. She was a healthy energetic playful cat again!

She lived to be 21 yrs. old and was never sick again.

Did Reiki heal her? I don’t know. All I know is she was sick and then she wasn’t.

I’ve used Reiki on other animals since then and had great results. I’ve also used it with people and they have reported pain relief, feelings of calmness and reported feeling stronger. And I’ve had Reiki done on myself. It has cleared up headaches, aches and pains and fatigue.

We are all just energy. It makes sense that energy work can be used with other methods of healing. And for some, like our cat, maybe it’s what’s really needed.

If you’re interested in learning more, go to: www.SpiritsMuse.com/reiki.html


Messages From Spirit

Over the years, working in the field of spirituality, metaphysics and transformative work, I have asked for and received many messages from what I call Spirit.


The energy field that we live in and receive messages from Spirit, is the same energy we are composed of and therefore it will also “feel” like whatever we’re feeling. So if we’re afraid, the universe will feel scary to us. This is the lesson of Law of Attraction. Whatever we’re feeling (vibrating to) than that is what we experience in our world.

 As so many seem to struggle to stay feeling connected, I thought hearing some of the messages I’ve received might help.

 The one I like the most is: “You are not alone”. Our universe is like an ocean of energy. And just as a drop of water is to the ocean, we are to the energy sea we live in. We are all part of the same consciousness; therefore, we are all connected to one another. When you send out an energy intention of wanting to feel connected, the universe sends the connection right back to you.

You can prove this to yourself right now. Get quiet, open yourself up to the energy, imagine you can expand yourself into the field and then notice how the area around your heart feels. You should be an expansion of yourself.

Another message that may not seem like much unless you’re in overwhelm is: “Pick 1 thing!” Often in my life I’ve had so many things going on I didn’t know what to do. Then I would hear—“Pick 1 thing”. Once I did this and put it into action, things settled down and my stress level went down. Our world is so inundated with To Do lists, projects and responsibilities that we all get overwhelmed at times. The simplest answer is to focus on 1 thing.

One of my favorite message I’ve ever received is that “Energy begets energy”. This means that whatever you want to be, do or have in your life you have to generate or give energy to get it. It’s really simple. For example, if you want to lose weight, you have to change your eating habits and exercise. It you want to manifest a new house, car, boat, or whatever, you have to take action to generate the resources and money to acquire those things.

If you sit and do nothing then nothing is what you’ll get. If you say you want to be successful and yet you watch T.V. or play video games, you’ll end up being successful at watching T.V. and playing video games. Whatever you want in life you have to pay with energy.

These are just a few of the things I’ve learned from Spirit. Simple really and things we all already know. Sometimes we just need to be reminded.


Welcome to the Spirit’s Muse blog Magic, Miracles and Mystery!

Sunset Ceremony at Honaunau
Sunset Ceremony at Honaunau

Do you remember when you were a child and everyday was like a great mystery to unfold? And when you got up in the morning you couldn’t wait to see what the day would hold?

What if you could feel that way again?

If you have found your way here, it is my hope that you will find inspiration for the journey that we all walk. Much of my life has been spent doing my best to make sense out of what I was experiencing. As a child, I often had trouble making out what I was seeing. The energies were so intense and beautiful that I couldn’t always distinguish between what most would call “the real world” and the other world of energy.

I felt I lived in a world of magic and mystery. And because it was magic…..miracles happened every day.

One night I stood outside at dusk just before the light faded.  I suddenly felt the movement of air on my cheek. And there, swooping in front of me was an owl! He circled round me and then flew up into the tree.

Meditating one morning later that week I hear a knock at the front door. I decide to stay put, hoping they’ll come back later. But no, the knocking continued. I realize it sounds like a child’s knock and peek from the window where I can see the front door. Nothing. But when I run and open the door, there’s a crow knocking at my door!

To a local medicine woman these events have great significance in my life. Each one is a message from the natural world that I need to pay attention to.

Paying attention to our world allows us to live in a world of Mystery, Magic and Miracles. Every day I get to wake up and decide if today will be a world of the mundane or will it be a world of Magic. Most days I pick the Magic. And when I do, all kinds of fascinating things occur.

So, this blog will be about all those things in our lives that seem to be miraculous, mysterious and magical. This is not a religious blog. It is one of spirituality in all its forms, of metaphysics and how that relates to our lives and one of raising our consciousness and therefore our awareness. That awareness can be about our own spiritual evolution or it might be awareness of our place in this world.

I hope you enjoy…..
