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How To Read Energy

auraOf all the things my clients and students seem to find the most fascinating is that of learning to see, hear and read energy. Most people know that we are energetic bodies with more space than solidity. Ancient Wisdom knew it and now quantum physics has proven it.

But to be able to see that energy or even feel it is something a lot of people want to do but don’t quite know how.

The first and most important aspect of energetic reading is to realize that we project our own assumptions, thoughts, emotions, feelings and judgements on others all the time. The same goes with the energy readings. In my workshops, students are not allowed to “decide” what a color or shape might mean. We’re only allowed to notice what is taking place with the energy.

In seeing and reading auras my entire life, it’s clear to me that there is no one way for everyone.

Take colors: we often think that if we see a red aura it means the person is angry. Not true. Sometimes yes but not always. Red color can indicate agitation, love, anger, eagerness, physical distress, anticipation….pretty much anything. To presume that you know what another is feeling or thinking while reading an aura is a dangerous game to play. And if you project your assumptions onto someone else, you’ll miss what’s really going on as well as run the risk of installing something within their mind.

The most common way to read an aura/energetic body is to notice the shape and what it’s doing. In N.L.P. we use the term calibration when paying attention to the minute differences in a person’s expression, voice tonality and even muscle tone. Paying attention and calibrating a person’s energetic body is one of the best ways to know something is going on with them. Again, we don’t assume to know what that is.

The best way to learn the differences in a person’s aura/energetic body is to pay attention to it over a period of time. You can make note of certain aspects of the aura while also asking them what they are experiencing.

For instance:

  • I’ve noticed with my daughter (who has Lupus) that when her aura gets all “spikey” she’s about to have a migraine headache. Or if it looks like someone threw buckets of different colors on her all at once, that her body is starting to have needle like pain.
    • I watched her over a period of time and began asking her what was happening before accepting that those particular expressions meant specific things.


  • One of the grossest things I’ve seen energetically is the dark slimy looking energy snaking across the floor from men who are on the make. Most women, even if they don’t see that energy know exactly what it feels like!
  • I once watched a woman’s aura get a brittle like texture and found out later she was blatantly lying.

Our auras do all kinds of things from changing colors and shapes to expanding and contracting. And we have seven “layers” of auras which can make things really interesting.

Having said all the warnings, there does seem to be some common expressions of the aura in people. Again, you need to pay attention and ask questions.


An aura that:

  • Looks flat and flowing downward can indicate sadness or depression.
  • Flares shooting out can show that the person is very agitated or mad.
  • “Hot or dark spots” can indicate disease or problems in those areas of the body.
  • Turns green when near another person often means they’re healers (even if they aren’t aware of it).
  • Babies often have soft flowing auras reaching out to the world.

So how do you go about seeing auras?

I firmly believe that we all see auras when we’re children. But the adults in our world talk us out of seeing them by telling us to stop making things up or that we’re being silly. Unfortunately, that tends to set us up for a belief that we can’t see them. And we carry that belief over into adulthood. To start seeing auras, if you have this belief, might be challenging but certainly doable.

Here’s an Exercise we use in our workshop:

Seeing the energy off the tips of your fingertips is pretty easy. We concentrate a lot of energy on these points.

  • You want to start in a room which isn’t too bright with light and a doorway facing a dark hall. Stand in the doorway with your back toward the room so that you’re facing the hall.
  • Take your hands and place them about 8 – 10 inches away from your face (so that you’re looking right at them.)
  • Strongly press the tips of each pointer finger together and while looking directly at your fingertips, move your hands slowly away from each other (about 6 inches apart).
  • You should see a whitish band between your fingertips. It almost looks like rubber bands.
  • Move your fingertips back to the original position touching and slowly move them apart again until you see the whitish, almost fog like energy between them.

lightIf at first you don’t see the energy try other places. Facing a dark wall works for some and for others a lighter wall. Remember to really press the tips of the fingers together and to slowly pull them apart…it should feel like pulling taffy apart. Take your time.

It can take several tries, although most get it in the first go round…..just keep it up.

Energy is all around us. Once you start seeing it, you’ll catch glimpses of it with animals, plants and most often with trees (the tops of trees are easiest). It takes practice but you can do it.

If you’d like to really learn more about the energetic body, seeing and manipulating energy and using it for your own healing, go to and join us for our Sedona workshop in February TBD


Journey of the Healer™

From time to time, I plan on posting pieces of interest about the upcoming workshop, Journey of the Spirit Healer™, taking place in Sedona. These will be about experiences, people, techniques and places we’ll visit. Hope you enjoy them and get the feel of the magical land of: Sedona

For many, even the name Sedona conjures up mystical concepts and ideas. The entire area is called a power spot or energy grid. Many myths and legends abound as well as arguments over the scientific basis for any of it.

A few years ago, I traveled from Phoenix to Sedona to recharge myself and get some much needed meditation time after presenting a weeklong training. Visiting the vortices was top priority.

As I climbed the path leading to the upper reaches of Boynton Canyon I began to feel the energy of this most sacred vortex.

According to legend, Boynton Canyon is the sacred home of the Yavapai “Great Mother”, their creative force. Even today, the Native Americans make annual pilgrimages to this area to perform sacred ceremonies.

I have often wondered if Kachina Woman, who guards the entrance to the canyon, is the earthly homage to the Great Mother. It seems fitting, as certain times of the year when the moon is full; it will rise and appear to sit in the basket on her head.

Reaching a ledge where I could sit comfortably and meditate, I leaned back and allowed the energy of the vortex to swirl around me. As I watched the valley below, energy lines began to appear and then gradually the entire valley changed. I heard the sound of drums and saw a line of people entering the canyon. Not people of today….but another time. The entire valley shimmered in luminous light with arcing bolts shooting to the sky.

A dream? A hallucination? I don’t think so. Many times I’ve witnessed what I refer to as the  “matrix” of energy (taken from the movie The Matrix). And seeing this at the vortices of Sedona is not unusual.

During the Journey of the Healer™ workshop in Sedona this October, we work on the journey traveler learning how to awaken their own natural ability to see, to sense and to feel different energies. Most, by the end of the week, can see the auras of people, plants and animals. And many….to see the incredible colors of the luminous energy field of living things. Some will even begin to see the “field” or the “matrix” as well.

Sedona is a land of mystery and magic. The energy of the vortices….then remnants of ancient ceremonies and rituals….all lend themselves to the immersion in the teachings and techniques of the ancient healers and shaman.

If the energy of the ancient teachings and Sedona calls to you, go to:


Snake Totem

The snake has got to be one of the most misunderstood and feared animals. Many who realize they have a snake totem wish they could exchange it for something more appealing.

Snake has had a bad rep since the Garden of Eden. Supposedly Satan, in the form of a snake beguiled Eve into eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Lots of theories on this one!

It’s even been suggested that our fear of snakes is in our human DNA.

But, in many cultures, the snake is seen as a symbol of transformation, death and rebirth and healing. We see the healing symbology today in the caduceus symbol of medicine and doctors.

The snake is also associated with sexuality, the kundalini and the tantric arts. And in the shamanic societies, it’s believed the snake can move between the realities of the living and the dead.

Years ago I worked with an exotic animal trainer and we worked with the big snakes. At first, like most people, I wasn’t too sure about the snakes until I had worked with them awhile. Later on in my life I did the shamanic dancing with boas. These snakes will invariably end up with their head at the throat chakra or the heart!  

To have a snake totem show up in your life usually implies change is coming. That change might be healing or a shift in your career, love life or home. As snake move quickly, so will the change take place.

It can also be a message to get more creative. To shed the old and make way for the new.

I just recently heard an amazing story about a boa constrictor that is a “pet” of some friends of mine. They’ve had this snake a long time and it’s very attached to the family. It’s kept in a large aquarium and gets to go in the bathtub frequently.

Recently, the snake began to appear sick. Taking it to the vet, he asked the couple had “she”…..the snake been around any male snakes. They were very surprised to hear the word “she” as they had been told the snake was a male.

But no, the snake stayed in their house and had never been around another snake. The vet then asked if they talked to the snake? Yes, the woman said she talked to all their animals, telling them of their dreams and goals and how they wanted their life to be.

Next the vet asked if she was trying to have a baby? Sure enough, the couple wanted to have a child.

He then explained that the snake had developed eggs to help her with having a baby!

Is this not amazing? To be so connected and loved by this creature that it would, on its own, manifest eggs to assist you in having a child?

Are snakes evil? I don’t think so. This was an act of pure love!


Cleansing the Soul

When I was growing up, every spring my mom as well as all the other women in the neighborhood would go thru the yearly ritual of “spring cleaning”. Of course as kids, we hated it because it meant we were going to be put to work for a weekend with no time off for fun.

Few people realize that the annual cleaning ritual dates back to ancient spring time rites. In many cultures, the New Year happened on the first day of spring. Even today, Iranians practice “shaking the house” before celebrating the New Year. And Jewish Passover suggests cleaning prior to the celebration. Other cultures clean the house before Lent or April 1st.

On a more practical basis, after the cold winter months with our houses being closed up creating stagnant air, it’s a “breath of fresh air” to spring clean. My grandmother used to call it “cleaning out the cobwebs”.

There is another reason we need to spring clean which is often overlooked. We are energetic bodies constantly expressing energy into the field. You might say we leave etheric footprints wherever we go. Some of these footprints are emotions and thoughts. Which would be alright if they were always positive thoughts and emotions.

You’ve probably felt this before. Remember when you walked into a room after someone had been arguing? You can still feel the energy. Or walk into a house where someone is in mourning; you can definitely feel the sadness.

We also feel the built up energy in places; from other people like prior owners of houses or offices. If they experienced a divorce or death or even a business failure, we will be energetically affected by it.

We are most affected by our own residual buildup of negative etheric footprints. These footprints can affect us physically as well as mentally. You might be tired most of the time or feel like your mind is cloudy. It’s as if you have cobwebs in the brain.

In the Hawaiian system of Huna, the belief is that energy is sticky. When we are in contact with others or a place, we send out tendrils of our aura called aka connections and these “stick” to the person or place. Imagine all the aka connections you receive in a week from the numerous people you come in contact with! It’s no wonder we can get tired from being around other people.

So what do we do? 

1. Clean up the clutter. Wherever there is clutter there is stuck energy.

2. Clean the area or house. I mean really clean it. If you’re doing your house, make sure you clean the windows, move the furniture and vacuum underneath. Even clean the baseboards. As you clean, hold the intention that you are clearing out all the negative energy and getting everything flowing again.

3. If you really want to clear out the energy, also straighten up your cupboards, closets and cabinets.

4. Open everything up to light and air….let in fresh energy.

5. When all is clean, you can do a ritual to “clear” the space. This is setting an intention for the type of energy you want to be present. This intention might be to have a loving positive energy to be present at all times.

You will need:

  • Sage or incense to burn
  • A bell or gong
  • The intention you would like, clearly in your mind.

Find a comfortable place to sit, relax and allow your mind to become calm. Think of the intention you wish for your space. Breathe deeply for several minutes until you feel yourself relax.

Once you’re in a calm, peaceful meditative state, take the sage or incense, light it and begin going around the perimeter of your home repeating to yourself the kind of energy you want present.

Next, take the bell and repeat

Then go back to where you were sitting, return to the meditative state and begin to imagine scenes in which the energy you set forth is manifesting.

You can do this for the whole house or a single room although I would suggest doing the house. And you can set the intention for anything. If you’re looking to manifest a partner, set that intention.  Or if you find your family bickering a lot, you can set an intention for peace within your home.

You may be surprised at the positive effects of spring cleaning. Often we can shift the energy in our lives just by shifting the energy in our external world!



Since ancient time, man has looked to animals for comfort, companionship and guidance. We have considered them messengers of the gods, healers and a direct link to nature for us.

Most of the ancient cultures revered animals and often worshipped them. In Egypt, cats were considered to be closer to the gods than man could ever be. The Jaguar was worshipped by the Mayans for its agility, cunning and stealth and Hawaiians carry their Aumakua, an ancestral spirit thought to have taken animal form.

We feel drawn to certain animals. Some of us even collect pictures or statues of a specific animal. And then there are those people who receive healing and a spiritual uplifting from being in close proximity to animals.

For many, swimming with dolphins is an extraordinary experience. We know from research that dolphins talk to one another through clicks and whistles. They are playful, very sexual and even have helpers when a female is giving birth.

Handicapped and autistic children are known to respond to dolphins and horses. And dogs are used in hospitals and homes for the elderly for healing and giving meaning to lives.

In ancient times, man attempted to understand his world. He looked at synchronistic events as messages from the gods. He turned to nature for answers to foresee what events might take place.

According to the Native American belief system, each individual is accompanied by nine different animal guides. They can come in and out of our lives depending on our needs and we can access their assistance at will. We also have one that is our main totem which guides us our whole life.

I was attempting to meditate one day and had just settled in when there was a knocking at the front door. Since I had waited all day to meditate, I choose to just stay put thinking whoever it was would leave. As I started to relax there was more knocking at the door. I went to my window where I can sometimes tell if there’s anyone at the door. I didn’t see anyone so assumed they had gone on. Just as I began to relax again, the knocking started. This time, I was agitated. We live in an older house with a small “door” window instead of a peep hole. I quickly went to the door and opened the latch of the window and no one was there. Again I went back to my room and got into the groove when the knocking started. Now I was really aggravated. I raced to the front door, threw it open and no one was there! Finally, looking down…..there was a crow at my feet.

Crow had been knocking at my door!

Another time, the crows in the trees in the front of the house were making more racket than normal. I went out to see what was up. I couldn’t tell if anything out of the ordinary was going on so I went back into the house. Shortly though, the racket was so loud I decided to take another look. Still seeing nothing, I noticed the direction in which the crows were looking. There, between my house and the neighbor’s was a dead crow. As I approached it, the crows went crazy cawing at me. I quickly ran back in the house and got a towel and went back to the dead crow. Again, the crows were having a fit. When I reached down and picked up the dead crow, all the crows went silent. Not a single caw from any of them. Not then and not for quite a while afterward.

Crow Medicine or the energy of the crow is about the unknown mysteries of the universe and they are considered the keepers of sacred law. As a teacher of ancient ways, the totem of the crow reminds me to keep the sacred laws pure as does the totem of the Jaguar. It’s always been important to me to present the teachings in their purest form available rather than do what I call “pablum” lessons…..turning them into a bland imitation of the original meanings.

Some people just seem to know what their animal totems are. To help you discover yours, notice which of these you have experienced.

  • Do you feel drawn to one animal without being able to explain why?
  • What animals consistently appear in your life?
  • Do you receive cards or letters with the same animal, or turn on the TV and see nature shows featuring that animal?
  • Do you find yourself reading stories in the papers or the internet about the animal?
  • Do your dreams feature a specific animal?

Once you feel you’ve discovered your totems, pay attention to the times they show up in your life. When they do, check out the meanings and see what messages that animal is trying to convey. You just might be surprised!

Check out these great pictures of people’s totems done by the artist Mike McCarthy at Go to “Gallery” and then “Spirit”. Michael attended our Ancient Wisdom Modern Magic 2 day workshop and was inspired to create these incredible artworks of Spirit.

Chief Dan George…”If you talk to animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them, you will not know them and what you do not know, you will fear. What one fears, one destroys.”
